world leader in diamond identification
Learn more about the Diavik Diamond Mine with a free digital copy of the Rio Tinto 'The Diamond With A Story' book.
More than a billion years ago, the Diavik diamond was formed deep underground by the mysterious forces of nature. Traces of these diamonds were first discovered in 1991 in the remote Barren Lands of Canada's Northwest Territories. Twelve years later, global mining company Rio Tinto opened the Diavik Diamond Mine, now recognized as one of the premier diamond mines in the world.
Famous not just for its stunning natural stones, the state-of-the-art mine has been recognized for its innovative engineering, environmentally sustainable mining practices and collaborative work with indigenous communities.

Further protect your diamond purchase by registering your Gemprint and receive insurance discounts of up to 10%.
$50 Registration Fee applies.

The unique optical fingerprint of every Gemprinted diamond is recorded in an international database. This reflection pattern is positive identification of your diamond.
1) Enjoy peace of mind knowing your diamond can be positively identified.
2) Receive Insurance discounts from nearly all insurance companies.
3) Protect your investment with court accepted evidence proving ownership.